We took a chance on holding an in person Taos Studio Tour over Labor Day Weekend, and we pulled it off! A huge thank you to everybody who stopped in, wore a mask and safely kept their distance.
I was able to provide a private viewing for most parties, how special is that!
As an artist, the best thing is to have the chance for people to view my art and discuss it with me, to let me know which pieces are favorites and why. I love it when I can see where my paintings have gone to live!
One really special aspect about a studio tour, besides meeting and speaking directly with the artist, is you get to see the newest work along with previous paintings. I often bring some pieces from my personal collection, ones that have been hanging in my house. These are usually some of my strongest pieces, they've gone through my "bedroom assessment test" (more about this next week, stay tuned!) to be 100% sure they are finished. These are the pieces I have held onto in order to learn from.
It can be bittersweet when they sell. I loved having "Out of the Blue" hanging in my dining area, but I'm always glad if they find a new home, and then I pick another to hang in my house!
This year I hung paintings from my sky series as well as my newest pieces painted during the pandemic. The groups may be different, but you can see the common theme of color running through all of my work when they are viewed together.
For the Taos Studio Tour I was teamed up with another artist at a
central location in town. Want a glimpse into my actual
painting studio where the magic happens? Click here for a video to take you there.

In this video, I talk about my intent, to have light and depth in my paintings, to have you "sink into my art, and be transported." When you look at one of my paintings, I want you to find your own story. I want you to be able to find something new each time you take a look.
I talk about my inspiration, how it comes from nature. I want my art to make me feel what I was feeling when I was out on a hike or watching a gorgeous sunset, or standing in the wind as a storm rolls through.
I also talk about my process and show some of my new explorations. I start by laying on color. I want lots of layers, they add translucence and luminosity, depth and a richness. I love to add dots and patterns.
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