September 16, 2013

"Scratching the Surface" - Opening Reception September 26th, 6-9 pm

"Scratching the Surface", Oil Paintings by Lydia Johnston and Ceramics by Lori St. Pierre will be on view at NAACO Gallery in North Adams, MA from September 26th through November 25th. Please join us for the opening reception Thursday, September 26th from 6-9 pm.

"Take Me In", 24" x 30", oil on linen

My newest group of oil paintings are infused with vibrant color and incorporate printed patterns and carved lines. Some of the paintings for this show have an arched wall or trellis with flowers, from which you look out across an intriguing landscape. A number of smaller pieces have an urban sensibility created by overlaying printed patterns.

"Red Winds", 9" x 8", oil on linen

I am working with wide color shapers, instead of brushes, that give my work its distinctive look. In addition, I am carving marks into the wet paint with the edge of these tools, as well as printing patterns on the surface.

"Gotham One", 15" x 11", oil on linen

My paintings in this show are complemented by Lori St. Pierre's new ceramics which revolve around texture and incised patterns.

Lori St. Pierre, bowl

NAACO Gallery is located at 33 Main Street, North Adams, MA (diagonally across from MASS MoCA). 413-664-4003. Gallery Hours: Monday, Wednesday thru Saturday 11-6 pm, Sunday 12-4 pm, closed Tuesday.

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