August 23, 2020

Jewel Box Tour, come find your gems!

I'm really excited about a new series of paintings I've been working on. I'll be introducing them at the Taos Studio Tour. Yes, we are going forward with our Studio Tour this Labor Day Weekend, Saturday September 5th - Monday September 7th, 10-5pm daily. 19 artists will be participating.




It'll be a hybrid tour, both in person studio visits as well as virtual tours. The Preview Party will solely be virtual via ZOOM. See info below.

I'm #13 on the studio tour map at 500 Cruz Alta Rd, Casita #2, along with Adorn Your Life 2, #12 with Mosaics, Jewelry and Cards. We are set up in two separate garage bays. The large doors, at opposite ends, will be open so there will be plenty of fresh air. We'll be inside yet outside! We'll have shady, socially distanced seating spots outdoors if there are too many people to be inside the space at one time. 

We will be following all state safety guidelines. Masks are required.

Come pick out a favorite piece of art. This is your chance to see my newest paintings, experimental pieces, and work from previous series. See where my inspiration comes from, engage with the art, and find out my techniques and process. Now that many of us are working from home, it's time for new art on the walls!

You can download a Tour Brochure and Map here. 

If you're not in the area, or uncomfortable with in person visits, this year there will be virtual opportunities.

Contact me by email at if you are interested, and we'll set something up. If you'd like to schedule an in person appointment during the tour, we can do that too. Time will be set aside just for you for a private viewing.

The Virtual Preview Party is scheduled for Friday, September 4th at 5:00 pm. Visit the TAO website to get the ZOOM link, pour yourself a glass of something refreshing, and join in to meet the artists and see examples of their work. The artists will all be there and each one will speak for a minute about his or her work and process.


August 02, 2020

'Taos Is Art' Banner

More highlights since moving to Taos. For the past three years, I've been honored to have my artwork selected for the 'Taos Is Art' Banner competition to celebrate and acknowledge the living artists of Taos County.

2020 'Taos Is Art' Banner

This year my banner is hanging on the east side of the Taos Plaza.

"After the Storm", 24" x 36", oil on canvas

Here is the full painting for you to see. As the banners are long and vertical, I used a thin slice of this horizontal piece.

This painting sold back in early February, pre-Covid-19, that now seems like a lifetime ago. At the time, I was thrilled to get news of the sale on the same day I got news from the Town of Taos that they had accepted my art for the banner!

Life has now changed dramatically, but know that art is still alive and thriving throughout the world, and more important than ever for our collective well-being.

2019 'Taos Is Art' Banner

Here is my 2019 banner. In 2019, the Taos Arts Council partnered with SOMOS, the literary organization, to create Poetry and Art in Public Places. I was honored to have my piece chosen for the project.
Eighteen Taos poets each selected a single art image from the Banner Project and wrote an Ekphrasis Poem inspired by the piece of art. [Ekphrasis is art inspired by another art form, primarily from painting.] Margery Reading wrote a beautiful poem to pair with my painting.

     "Until That Moment", 24" x 24", oil on canvas                      

Here is the full painting for my 2019 banner. The banners are long and narrow, and I'm primarily painting square, so I used a slice of one of my paintings.

2018 'Taos Is Art' Banner

Here is the full painting used for my 2018 banner.

"Radiance", oil on canvas, 24" x 24"