July 26, 2020

"Out of The Blue"

Here's a highlight from this past year. "Out of The Blue" received a second place award at the Taos Fall Arts Festival this past September.

"Out of The Blue", 30" x 30", oil on canvas

I was honored and thrilled to get this award, and was so glad to have a chance to speak with the juror at the opening reception.

Here's what the juror, Andrea Pichaida had to say:
"'Out of The Blue'. What a beautiful composition where light, shadows, shapes and color play together to transport the viewer into a world of dance, happiness with music, warmth and togetherness. Well done!"

She told me had it fit the theme of the show better, she would have given it first place, the theme being "Of Heaven and Earth". Have I mentioned that I won't paint to themes! My artwork is intuitive, I never know where I am going when I start, I let the painting take me where it needs to go. For me, that's the way to create my strongest art.

Sadly, the Taos Fall Arts Festival has been cancelled this year due to Covid-19. We can all hope it takes place in 2021! Stay safe!

"Sink into my art and be transported."
To view more of my work, visit: www.lydiajohnston.com

July 24, 2020

Long Last Update!

Wow, I last posted in 2013, I guess I dropped the ball on this one!!! It sure has been a long time with lots of changes.

In 2012 I started coming out to Taos, New Mexico, at first renting a place and bringing out all my painting supplies for a month at a time. And then the big move in 2015.

"Leap of Faith", 12" x 12"

Moving from Vermont to New Mexico meant a big transition in my artwork. I was entranced by the open land, big mountains and big sky. My work moved from impressionistic to much more abstracted landscapes. Color has always been my main focus and now my paintings are becoming even more abstract,  while retaining a sense of light and depth.